Alive at 25 for Teen & Young Adult Drivers

Course Details

Alive at 25 Helps Young, High-risk Drivers Make Safe Choices

Teen drivers are nearly twice as likely as drivers aged 20 and older to be in a fatal crash. This lack of experience, combined with distractions, peer pressure and a tendency to underestimate danger,
all create heightened risks for teens, which raises the risks for everyone on our roads.

Alive at 25 Helps Young, High-risk Drivers Make Safe Choices

Teen drivers are nearly twice as likely as drivers aged 20 and older to be in a fatal crash. This lack of experience, combined with distractions, peer pressure and a tendency to underestimate danger,
all create heightened risks for teens, which raises the risks for everyone on our roads.

Course Benefits

Alive at 25® is a highly interactive program that can help states and courts teach younger drivers – between the ages of 15 and 24 – to make safe, respectful and legal driving decisions. Hundreds of thousands of young adult drivers have taken this course since it was first released in 1996, receiving crucial training on roadway risks, the factors in and out of their control behind the wheel, and the choices they can make to stay safe. Ideal participants for this course include high school students, young adults in the military and those sent by a traffic court or state agency who have incurred traffic violations.

The four-hour classroom course is available in English and Spanish. Learn how NSC can be your partner for safer roads by completing this form.

Saves Lives as an NSC Alive at 25 Instructor

You can help drive this training home, earn extra income and save lives as an NSC Alive at 25 instructor.

Our web-based Instructor Authorization Course takes you through the full Alive at 25 course curriculum to ensure you are prepared to
help participants make safe, lifesaving choices behind the wheel.

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