We've Come a Long Way

Who Was Our Safest President?

The National Safety Council was founded in 1913 and quickly developed the mission of eliminating preventable deaths in the workplace, on the road, and in homes and communities. In recognition of Presidents’ Day, the Council took a look at six U.S. leaders who were seated after the organization’s founding and asked: Under which 20th century president was the U.S. made safest from preventable deaths and injuries?

Here is more information about each candidate and a few safety measures passed during each presidency.

NSC Historical Public Service Announcements

Don't you miss the good ol' days? While it might seem a calmer and simpler time, it was actually much more hazardous back then. Remember before seat belts were standard? When most homes were painted with lead and playgrounds were basically death traps? Oh, and you could smoke in hospitals, restaurants – anywhere!

The National Safety Council has been here through it all, keeping you safer for more than 100 years.

We hope these old-timey NSC public service announcements make you smile. Just look at all the famous people sharing our safety messages! Just remember, these videos are presented as historical content for entertainment and review purposes only. NSC makes no guarantee and assumes no responsibility for the correctness or completeness of information or recommendations contained in them.

A Lot of Crazies Out There

YouTube Video

Follow the Rules of the Water

YouTube Video

Poison-proof Your Home

YouTube Video

Ernest on Safety Belts

YouTube Video

Willie Tyler and Lester

YouTube Video

Smothers Brothers

YouTube Video

Safety for Future Generations

YouTube Video

It's Penny Marshall!

YouTube Video

Mandan on Seat Belts

YouTube Video

Shamu and Water Safety

YouTube Video

Pros Don't Take Chances

YouTube Video

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