Identify Gaps in Your Safety Program

The National Safety Council offers a wide variety of assessment tools for your organization's needs. Our assessment and consulting services can help identify gaps in your safety program and improvements needed in your safety management system. We can lend our experience to:

● Design and implementation of your system

● Strategic planning for performance improvement

● Contractor management

● Emergency response planning

● Incident investigation and management

● And much more

Workplace incidents can happen anywhere, from parking lots to office suites to the factory floor. And they can happen to anyone – employees, contractors or visitors. Don't leave your organization's safety to chance.

Assess Your Safety Readiness

If you answer YES to any of the following questions, NSC can assist you in developing a plan of action.

● Are you looking for ways to enhance your safety culture?

● Is your company looking to implement a safety management system?

● Have you considered a third party audit of your organization for safety compliance?

● Are you struggling with the next steps in reducing your incident frequency?

If you answer NO to any of the following questions, your organization isn't adequately prepared for a medical emergency.

● Does your organization have an emergency response plan in place?

● Do all of your employees know what to do until EMS arrives?

● Does your organization follow the OSHA Best Practices for First Aid?

NSC Assessment Tools

Safety Management System Assessment
NSC safety professionals will provide an objective overview of your current safety management system and identify areas for improvement.

Safety Compliance Audit
NSC will provide an objective review of your company’s policies, practices and operations as they pertain to regulatory compliance.

Employee Safety Perception Surveys
NSC will collect employee’s attitudes and observations and help you interpret the meaning behind the numbers.

Medical Emergency Response Preparedness Assessment
NSC can help you determine how prepared your organization is to deal with a medical emergency and will identify areas for improvement.

Whatever your safety goals, NSC can help you achieve them. Let us partner with you to enhance your safety readiness and performance.

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