Featured Technology Reports from Work to Zero

The Work to Zero initiative at NSC is designed to eliminate workplace fatalities through technology. A recent national survey found that while employer implementation of new safety technologies is increasing, one of the biggest barriers to adopting technologies is a limited knowledge of what exists.

To address this barrier, Work to Zero is featuring technologies that have been increasing in popularity and availability, and are believed to be effective in reducing top workplace risks. Complete the form to get the following reports:

New! Advancing Workplace Safety with Location Geofencing: Presents an in-depth exploration of location geofencing and its various use cases in safety-sensitive industries. Explores the benefits of the technology on workplace safety as well as the potential risks, limitations and barriers to implementation.

Using Lone Worker Monitoring Technology to Protect Workers: Explores the benefits of lone worker monitoring technology, including its ability to provide real-time safety alerts, decrease emergency response times and improve the overall safety culture. Also shares two successful use cases as well as potential barriers to adoption.

Improving Workplace Safety with Robotics: Learn about the variety of robotics technology that exists to tackle high-risk situations like confined space entry, hazardous material handling, working at heights and more.

Using Data and AI to Gain Safety Program Insights: Covers how AI-powered data analytics can be deployed to address workplace safety through streamlined, augmented and fully-automated workflows. 

Using Computer Vision as a Risk Mitigation Tool: Shares how computer vision technology is capable of accurate, consistent and automatic monitoring of workplace hazards, such as the lack of PPE use, tracking the spread of infection and predicting the possibility of workplace violence. 

Drones for Working at Height and Confined Space Inspections: Explores use cases for drones in the commercial, industrial and civil government sectors.

Wearables for Fatigue Monitoring: Covers use cases and the vendor landscape for fatigue monitoring wearables.

Proximity Sensors to Avoid Equipment Strikes at the Worksite: Looks at the use of proximity sensors for avoiding equipment strikes at the workplace.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality for Hazardous Work Training: Looks at the use of virtual reality and augmented reality to enhance worker safety.

Work to Zero Technology Reports

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