NSC Provides Supervisors in Pennsylvania Free Training on Workplace Impairment

Through a grant from the Commonwealth, NSC will train as many supervisors, safety professionals and managers as possible before year's end.

July 01, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Impairment poses a serious threat to every workplace. It is defined by the National Safety Council as anything that could impede one's ability to function normally or safely regardless of the cause. When 39% of employers are saying impairment is causing more injuries, having supervisors trained to recognize and respond to workplace impairment, whether it’s caused by legal or illegal substances, fatigue, stress, mental distress or a combination thereof, is critical to worker health, safety and wellbeing. 

To address this challenge, NSC is providing supervisors, safety professionals and managers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania access to its Impairment Recognition and Response Training for Supervisors. Available through the end of 2024, access to this training is provided at no cost to employers in the state as part of the grant from the Commonwealth.

“The National Safety Council is thrilled to make this offering to employers located in Pennsylvania,” said Angela Brown, interim director of workplace training at NSC. “By taking this training, supervisors are helping workplaces build a strong organizational safety culture while learning how to keep all workers safe. We thank the Commonwealth for providing NSC and employers in their state this opportunity and look forward to seeing how this training helps prepare supervisors to prevent injuries and save lives in Pennsylvania.”

Some employers in the Commonwealth have already provided their workforce and partners access to the training. One of those organizations is the Master Builders Association of Western Pennsylvania. 

“National Safety Council’s Impairment Recognition and Response Training for Supervisors is incredibly effective at helping people understand that workplace impairment is no longer limited to just drugs and alcohol,” said Bob McCall, director of safety, Master Builders Association of Western Pennsylvania. “We all need to be aware of the negative effects that stress, fatigue and mental health play in the health and safety of everyone in our workplaces. The NSC training program equips supervisors with the knowledge and skills they need to address these issues in a simple, convenient and easy to understand package.”

For employers in Pennsylvania interested in taking the NSC Impairment Recognition and Response Training for Supervisors, please visit nsc.org/pa. To learn more about how impairment impacts safety on and off the job, visit nsc.org/impairment.

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The National Safety Council is America’s leading nonprofit safety advocate – and has been for 110 years. As a mission-based organization, we work to eliminate the leading causes of preventable death and injury, focusing our efforts on the workplace and roadways. We create a culture of safety to not only keep people safer at work, but also beyond the workplace so they can live their fullest lives.

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