Road to Zero Monthly News

May 30, 2024

Thank You for Joining Us!

2024 Road to Zero Annual Meeting

It was so great to connect with Coalition members in person, hear from our incredible speakers and get updates from our grantees.

Below are just a few of the highlights:

  • We heard from Secretary Pete Buttigieg who highlighted the fundamental importance of the Safe System approach and underscored that advanced vehicle technology is a critical piece of our shared safety goals – but not a panacea to all roadway safety challenges. He also uplifted our advocacy work, saying that data and stories are what drive action and encouraging us to leverage them to make an impact at the local level.

Road to Zero Meeting

  • Our Safe Streets for All panel convened representatives from towns big and small to reiterate the importance of this program and how critical it is for cities to receive direct funding from USDOT for roadway safety. Municipality leaders discussed the ways in which they’re thinking outside of the box to authentically engage community members that have been left out of prior infrastructure discussions
  • Be sure to catch up with our latest round of grantees and get the details on their plans to make a difference in their communities. 

Whether you joined us in person or online, we hope you enjoyed this once-a-year opportunity. We’d like to express a special thank you to the National League of Cities for hosting our in-person event! We’re already looking forward to next year’s gathering!

Capitol Hill Roadway Safety Advocacy Days

While we were in D.C., we also gathered many members of our Coalition to meet with federal lawmakers and share their stories to advocate for road safety policies as part of our Capitol Hill Roadway Safety Advocacy Days. In total, we had 170 people from 36 states join us and we held 120 meetings with lawmakers! You can see some photos from this gathering below. We are so grateful to everyone who came together to share their experiences and to all who worked to support this effort. This was an incredibly impactful event and we look forward to sharing more details soon.

Capital Hill

Capital Hill

Capital Hill

See the Latest from Road to Zero Partners

  • The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and Uber recently launched a joint charter to help improve health and safety for millions of couriers in over 11,000 cities around the world. The charter includes a commitment to supporting Vision Zero and the Safe System approach, learn more about this new agreement
  • A new CDC report shows emergency departments experienced more than 130,000 visits from pedestrians injured in traffic crashes from Jan. 2021-Dec. 2023. Dig more into the data for additional details on these visits. 
  • The CDC has also forecasted a new funding opportunity to examine the effectiveness of interventions, programs or policies to reduce polysubstance-impaired driving. See the full overview of this opportunity.  
  • Recent reports indicate the federal government may propose reclassifying cannabis as a less dangerous drug, moving it from a Schedule 1 drug to a Schedule 3. This would be a major policy shift, but to ensure roadway safety it should not affect current regulations for safety-sensitive occupations.
  • Are you a young person, practitioner or policymaker interested in shifting power to marginalized youth for transportation equity and mobility justice? Save the date for #NYTEC2024 on Sept. 20-21, 2024, in Denver, CO. 
  • The VERITY Now Coalition applauds Senators Fischer (R-NE), Murray (D-WA), Duckworth (D-IL), and Blackburn (R-TN) for introducing groundbreaking bipartisan vehicle crash test equality legislation. This legislation, titled She Develops Regulations In Vehicle Equality and Safety Act (She DRIVES Act), mandates the use of female crash test dummies that more accurately represent female anatomy and requires an equal number and nature of crash tests for females as males in the government’s New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) tests – read more about the bill now.
  • VERITY Now has also recently updated its resources page where you can find documents that explain the policies that have led to inequality in vehicle safety. You can find an FAQ on the She DRIVES Act, a “What People Are Saying” resource that outlines what others are saying about the government’s current crash testing policy and much more. 
  • How much do you know about the origins of Vision Zero and the Safe System approach? Check out this recent BBC article that digs into the history of these efforts. 

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