NSC Networks: Corporate Health Directors

Unparalleled Cross-Industry Benchmarking Opportunity For Multinational Corporate Health Directors

NSC Networks

The Corporate Health Directors Network, which serves corporate leaders with responsibility for occupational health program management, draws members from innovative, multinational Fortune 500 companies. Meetings are held in February and August, and members stay in touch year-round via web postings, teleconferences, webinars and emails. 


The Corporate Health Directors Network provides networking opportunities in a confidential environment. Professional relationships built through the Network help members identify best practices in all aspects of corporate occupational health programs.

Unparalleled Benchmarking and Surveys

Corporate Health Directors Network meetings also provide opportunities for benchmarking with peers in a multi-industry setting. All information is collected and handled confidentially.

In addition to regularly conducted surveys, members also may request confidential surveys on current topics that require rapid turnaround. Survey participants may include members in the Corporate Health Directors Network or members of other networks on topics such as:

● Annual member company global safety and health performance
● Occupational safety and health program management in global companies
● Safety and health perception surveys
● Safety and health organizational structure

More Corporate Health Directors Network Benefits

Recent Meeting Topics

Network Member Testimonials:

Sharon Kemerer, Baxter International Inc.

ORC HSE fits my needs. Your speakers routinely humble and energize me with their achievements and commitment to innovation. Participating colleagues are experts in their own right. They have a diversity of experience that provides much needed perspective on issues of importance to my colleagues and me. Most importantly, I am routinely challenged on my programs and opinions. It’s a wonderful formula

ROBERT S. GOLDSMITH, M.D., Novartis Pharmaceuticals

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Network Members

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