NSC Networks: Western Occupational Safety & Health

Premier Peer Network of Corporate Safety and Health Leaders in Western U.S. Collaborate to Achieve Excellence

NSC Networks

Our Western Occupational Safety and Health (WOSH) Network brings together senior-level managers responsible for health, safety and environment programs at companies representing a wide range of industries in the western U.S. Members meet with peers who face similar challenges: maintaining appropriate HSE programs, keeping abreast of current legislative and regulatory actions, developing performance measures, participating on cross-functional teams to improve employee wellness, advancing corporate social responsibility/sustainability efforts and assessing enterprise-wide risks. 

WOSH members can discuss critical HSE issues with their peers, sharing information, practical expertise and best practices. Discussions are frank and confidential, allowing members to speak openly about their challenges and successes. The group meets quarterly to discuss current and emerging topics, with a focus on high-level discussion, networking, informal benchmarking and exchanging critical information about HSE management practice. Presentations are offered by key regulatory agency representatives and other noted HSE experts on regulatory developments that may affect members’ operations, particularly in the western U.S. Three meetings are held in prime western state locations; the fourth is a joint meeting with the OSH Group held in Washington, D.C.

Network Member Testimonial:

Cindy Childs, Lyondell Basell Industries

Western OSH Network Membership Benefits

Are you ready to take a more active leadership role in shaping national safety and health policy and practice? If you want to be on the cutting edge of innovative strategies for improving performance, consider joining our premier Western Occupational Safety and Health Network, your professional partner in HSE. Among the many benefits of membership are:

ABIH, BCSP and CHMM points/credits for meeting attendance

Regulatory, legislative, and policy updates for California, the western states, and the U.S. delivered by leading experts

Unlimited immediate access to our expert consultants on any issue, with extended support available on an as-needed (fee) basis through the ORC HSE Consulting Service

Access to the members-only website providing materials from meetings, HSE news articles, task force activities, survey reports and benchmarking data, consulting, and webinars

Custom newsletters and quarterly updates with up-to-the-minute news on HSE developments

Participation in ad hoc member surveys, task forces focusing on special HSE topics, and annual injury and illness benchmarking with member companies

Quarterly meetings focusing on member topics of interest and sharing best practices

Recent Meeting Topics

Join the Western Occupational Safety & Health Network

Dive deeper into health and environmental safety with our highly comprehensive specialty services, discounted for members.

Network Members

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